Vitamin And Nutrition Resources




Daily Vitamin and Nutrition Regime

Gen 1:11

And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so.

Gen 1:12

And the earth brought forth grass, and the herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind: and God saw that it was good.


One Ultra Mega Therapeutic Multivitamin with Minerals

Includes most Vitamins and Minerals for optimal functioning, mental alertness, and clarity

One Vitamin C-1 G

Supports immune system. Fights infection. Generally protects the body against disease..

Two Garlic

A natural antibiotic. Supports immune system. Fights infection.

Two Goldenseal/Echinacea

Supports immune system. Fights infection. General defense against disease.

Three B6- 100 mg each

Facilitates use of protein as energy.

One Super B (opt) (for added energy)

Mega doses of balanced Vitamin B. Supports mental clarity, facilitates use of food as energy source. Feeds the brain necessary nutrients for optimal functioning.

Stress B Complex

Helps to balance the B Complex Vitamin. Aids the functioning of the nervouse system. Helps convert food to energy, giving the body access to greater energy.

Zinc-100 mg

Has a mellowing effect on the nervous system. A sedative. Required for all metabolic functions. Indicated in alcoholism.

2000 mg Niacinamide

Addresses the symptoms of schizophrenia, delusions, pellagra, niacin deficiency.

Acidophilus Pills

Contribute healthy bacteria into the system

1000mg Magnesium

Aids in relaxation. Helps to ease tension.

1200 mg Lechithin

Aids in breaking down fats and in the assimulation of cholesterol


For Added Energy

Super B

Stress B complex

Three B6’s

Zinc 100mg


Try 2000 of B3 (Flushless Niacin or Niacinamide) for Increased mental clarity



1 Banana or other fruit (Use fruit and juice or milk product for Smoothie or Milkshake)

1/4 Tblsn Brewer’s Yeast

2 Tblsns Whey Pwdr

1 Tblsn grnd Flaxseed

2 Eggs

1 Tblsn Veg Oil

¾ cp Lactaid or Milk Product

1 tsp Vanilla or Dash of Cinnamon, nutmeg or ginger

½ cp of Orange Juice or two capfuls of lemon juice

2 Tblspns of Honey or 5 Pks of Sweetner (not sugar)

Good for energy and stamina. Supplies most amino acids and B Complex vitamins, supporting the nervous system and facilitating brain functioning.

1 Tblsn Bee Pollen

Full of complete B complex vitamins in addition to most of the amino Acids promoting increased and optimal mental functioning.


As a Sleep Aid try:

500 mg Magnesium

Four Inositol Tablets

1000 mg Calcium

2 G Tryptophan

2 Holy Basil

4 Valerian

4 California Poppy (non-narcotic)


Women may find that

Evening Primrose


Black Cohosh

Aid in time of difficulty


Colds, and Flu

2 Garlic

2 G Vitamin C

2Golden Seal

2 Echinacea

Honey and Lemon Herb Tea


St John’s Wort is helpful in depression




Dr. Michael Lesser, MD

“Mental Health: It’s Not Just In Our Heads”'

“The Brain Chemistry Diet”, with Colleen Kapklein

Dr. Michael Lesser, MD
Nutrition and Vitamin Therapy

Dr. Michael Lesser, MD
Diet Related to Killer Diseases, V
Nutrition and Mental Health
Hearing before the Select Committee on Nutrition and Human Needs
of the
United States Senate
Ninety-Fifth Congress
First Session

Dr. Michael Lesser, MD
Fat and the Killer Diseases

Dr. Herbert Benson
The Relaxation Response

Adele Davis
“Let’s Eat Right To Keep Fit”

Dr. Carl C. Pfeiffer, PhD, MD
Nutrition and Mental Illness

Abram Hoffer, MD, PhD
Andrew Saul, PhD
Orthomolecular Medicine for Everyone

Louise Tenney, MH
Today's Herbal Health
The Essential Guide

Nutrilite Vitamins


Fayna, T. Enterprises

[email protected]


The Health Nut

Rosedale, Michigan


The Bulk Food Store

Dearborn Michigan



Please consult your Health Professional for adjustments to be made according to your personal medical and nutritional needs.

Regime is to be taken as a supplement to a well-rounded, three square meal diet and in addition to, not as a substitute for prescribed medication. All medications should be continued as advised by the physician, be they from the Primary Care Physician, Psychiatrist, or Substance Abuse Professional. A well-rounded, three square meal diet is recommended.

Consultations are available upon request.

Telephone consultations are available upon request


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